BORED AND BUSY As march continues it is with an air of nervousness. a lot of pf people were getting a bit too excited by the coronavirus and when Spain was forced to close its borders and close down all school, I and the rest of the country were forces into a very large case… Read more »

Monthly Archives: March 2020
I AM SICK For me, March began with annoyance. I was sick of being sick! We had already been to a Hospital and so as we left for the second I wasn’t feeling very happy. I had nothing to fear, my host mum and dad helped me get to the Hospital and José helped me… Read more »
SHOPPING You’d think that after only three weeks of exchange I would still have all my clothes intact, unfortunately, that doesn’t apply when you live Sey. My delightful little doggy loves to play and so do I but she also likes to eat all my clothes. In the third weeks I decided to take a… Read more »