The day of my departure began with rain, something we had been waiting for, a long, long time. I was so happy that I got to see Australia alive before I left because it had been dying for weeks. My family and I walked down to our little pool and saw it full! I said goodbye to my dog Pinkus one last time, cuddling and telling that I would be away for a while (not that he understood or even cared) and we left for the Airport. It was a long car trip to Sydney Airport and we arrived late, I became very stressed but we were actually fine and had plenty of time to get ready eat and talk before I went to the departure gate.
My flight to Singapore Airport was full of nervousness and excitement as me and my fellow exchange students ventured out into the unknown. There was a small group standing at the back of the aeroplane for most of the flight talking about pretty much anything: from the countries they were going to, to fishing on the south coast. I took part in this as well and I think it helped all of us, having someone to talk to about stuff.

When we got to Singapore Airport we were all very tired and I really just wanted to sleep, but our next flight was in less than an hour and a half, so we all walked around until our next flight gate opened, then got on the next flight (which went for 14 hours) all the way to Frankfurt, Germany. I managed to sleep for most of the flight and the rest of the time I spent watching Spiderman and Ready Or Not, so by the time we reached Frankfurt I felt much more rested.
At Frankfurt I split from the main group, Me and three other boys checked out, then Oli and I (the two exchange students going to Spain) checked back in for my next and Oli’s final flight to Madrid. We found our gate, signed in, got on board and went to sleep. I woke as we were landing and waited outside the gate for Oli who was near the back of the aircraft. we got a bite to eat and then parted ways, Oli heading to the pickup zone while I headed for my final flight to Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.

It was a strange feeling flying alone, I stared out the window for most of the journey just thinking “what will it be like when I meet my host family and live in the Canary Islands?” and it turns out, it’s pretty great. On landing I stumbled to the baggage pickup section and began waiting for my big purple suitcase, as people went out the door I saw them, they had a big sign that read “Welcome Cornelius” and I was.
Eventually, I found out that my suitcase was not in Las Palmas and that I would have to pick it up in a day or two (which is easy because my host mum works at the airport) I went out and met them all, as well as my family being there to pick me up, there were also two other exchange students with there host families who had come to welcome me. They were all super nice!

I am already in love with the Canary Islands and all the people as well, while at the airport I met Makena from America and Ludovica from Italy. They both are extremely nice and I can’t wait to spend time with them and other cool people. I am looking forward to doing stuff with my family: fishing with the José, walking with Cristina, figuring out my visa with my host mother and talking in Spanish to Maria.
¨To be excepted is to be whole, to know yourself and strive to be more, to feel that maybe travelling all this way was not the wrong decision and that maybe… just maybe you will like it. To be excited is when you finally realise what you get to do and do it, to vibrate with nervousness and expectation and to always be surprised. and to be is to be whole, be more, be sure, be excited, be nervous, be expecting and be surprised.”
So great this adventure.
Hello Cornelius, enjoy your stay y aprende español,
Uta (former exchangee to Katoomba)
Wow Cornelius, how absolutely fantastic! Looking forward to your next monthly report. Go well. Sue (Stella’s mum)
Sounds awesome