DEPARTURE The day of my departure began with rain, something we had been waiting for, a long, long time. I was so happy that I got to see Australia alive before I left because it had been dying for weeks. My family and I walked down to our little pool and saw it full! I… Read more »

OVERVIEW January began with quite a lot of panic, a constant nervousness for the beginning of the exchange. I had been holding off on packing for as long possible until it had to be done, it made it seem like I was leaving much sooner and I wasn’t ready for that. I had also been… Read more »
OVERVIEW This month has been spent preparing for my departure. I have been improving my language learning methods, trying to fit in as much Spanish as possible before I am there. I have also been preparing a farewell party to celebrate (or commiserate) with my friends later this month. I will be sad to leave… Read more »